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Stormwater Regulations


Storm water discharges are generated by runoff from land and impervious areas such as paved streets, parking lots, andbuilding rooftops during rainfall and snow events. Storm water often contains pollutants in quantities that could adversely affect water quality. It is important to realize that stormwater runoff flows directly from the storm drains into our streams, creeks and waterways historically without treatment. In addition to pollution impacts, poor storm drainage can result in flooding problems and contribute to stream bank erosion problems. Stormwater collects pollutants including litter, road salt, oil and grease, lawn and garden chemicals as well as animal waste.

To limit the negative impacts of construction projects on Ohio's waters, Greene County, as required by the Ohio EPA, administers a permitting program designed to document construction activity in the unincorporated areas of the county and requires practices that keep pollutants out of the streams. The permitting program is mandated in the Clean Water Act and is part of the NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) program

Who needs a permit?

For construction activities disturbing one or more acres of total land, OR will disturb less than one acre of land but are part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one or more acres, an Ohio EPA NOI permit AND a Greene County Stormwater Permit are required before construction can begin.

How do I get a permit?

We strongly encourage you to reach out at the concept stage of your design to meet with the Greene County Engineer to go over the stormwater requirements and permit process and to receive initial review of your site.

When you are ready, you will need to submit the following, but not limited to:

  • Greene County Stormwater Permit Application
  • Site plan
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)
  • Drainage Calculations
  • EPA Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Checklist
  • BMP Maintenance Agreement
  • O&M (Long Term Maintenance Plan) Manual
  • EPA NOI requesting coverage for your discharges under the general permit

To learn more visit:

What's next after stormwater permit approval?

Once approval of the Greene County Stormwater permit has been granted:

  • Ensure that contractors, subcontractors and staff, including the responsible party for inspection, understand their roles in carrying out the SWP3 and watch the required training video found on our website.
  • Schedule a preconstruction meeting, subject to other required zoning, building, or other applicable permit approvals, by calling 937-562-7500 or emailing
    •  Four printed 24x36 sets of the approved plans shall be provided to the Greene County Engineer before or at the preconstruction meeting
  • Implement the SWP3.
  • Proceed with construction, including regular maintenance and inspection of sediment and erosion controls and stormwater management facilities.

How do I implement the SWP3?

  • The SWP3 and Greene County Permit shall be kept on site and visible to the traveling public
  • All sediment controls, including construction entrances, must be installed prior to grading and within 7 (seven) days of first grubbing per Ohio EPA NPDES NOI Permit and Approved SWPPP.
  • A minimum of five (5) days prior to commencing clearing or demolition work, the Greene County Engineer's Office shall be contacted at (937) 562-7500 or at to ensure proper sediment and erosion control practices are in place before work begins.
  • Contractor shall provide notification to County Engineer inspectors at least 24 hours in advance of starting earth disturbing activity on the site and again at least 24 hours in advance of beginning storm sewer system installation.
  • Any work in the right-of-way; will require a right-of-way permit from the road owner and a MOT plan submitted and approved before construction can proceed in the right-of-way.
  •  Any equipment that is brought to and from the site that exceeds any legal dimension (53’ trailer and load; 8’6” width; 13’6” height) and/or legal gross weight (80,000 lbs) per Ohio Revised Code requires a special haul permit from ODOT, Greene County and/or township and/or municipality. As soon as you leave an interstate, or state route, you are required to have a permit for the local roads from the county, township and/or municipalities that you are traveling on.
  •  When earth disturbing activity begins on the site:
    • ALL proper erosion control shall be put in place and maintained for the duration of construction of the site per the approved SWPPP and Ohio EPA NPDES NOI Permit.
    • This includes on the boundaries of the property to prevent any silt going off site.
    • Stormwater detention and retention ponds/basins shall be constructed first.
    • Once the ponds/basins are installed, the outlet structures and pond skimmer should be installed.
  • The SWP3 shall be followed and updated as needed as things change on site such as location of porta johns, concrete cleanouts, fuel storage, etc.
  • Inspections shall be conducted by the responsible party on record, once every 7 days and within 24 hours of a 0.5" or greater rainfall and submitted to Greene County via SWPPPTrack.
  • Periodic compliance and compliant inspection will be performed by county inspectors and reports provided via SWPPPTrack and responses to corrective action items shall be submitted within 3 days via SWPPPTrack.
  • Maintenance shall be completed in a timely manner.
    • If the inspection reveals that a control practice needs repair or maintenance, with the exception of a sediment settling pond, it shall be repaired or maintained within 3 days of the inspection. Sediment settling ponds shall be repaired or maintained within 10 days of the inspection.
    • If the inspection reveals that a control practice fails to perform it’s intended function and that another, more appropriate control practice is required, the SWP3 shall be amended, and the new control practice shall be installed within 10 days of the inspection.
    • Contractor shall maintain all erosion and sediment control measures including, but not limited to: silt fence, waddles, construction entrances, and inlet protection.
    • If any BMP’s are removed by homebuilders, utility companies, etc. it shall be reinstalled immediately.
    • Housekeeping rules apply at all times. Keeping the roads clean, curbs cleaned, sediment out of the catch basins and making sure the waddles and silt fence are maintained and kept in place behind the curb.
  • Sites will be inspected by the Greene County Engineer's Office weekly until the site has been permanently seeded and stabilized.
  • After the site has been idle for more than 14 days, it will need to be seeded and strawed to prevent erosion.

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency General Stormwater Permit

SWP3 Inspection Requirements 

Once approval of the SWP3 has been granted, construction may commence subject to other required zoning, building, or other applicable permit approvals.  A minimum of five (5) days prior to commencing clearing or demolition work, the Greene County Engineer's Office shall be contacted at (937) 562-7500 to insure proper sediment and erosion control practices are in place before work begins.  

Sites will be inspected by the Greene County Engineer's Office at a minimum on a monthly basis until the site has been permanently seeded and stabilized.

Site Construction SWPPP Instructions and Template 

For construction activities disturbing one or more acres of total land, or will disturb less than one acre of land but are part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one or more acres, a Storm Water pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will need to be developed.

Site SWPPP Template


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